- Yao Agbley |
- Francis Korsah |

This project is based we are building an artificial neural network model that can perform regression task, we are to get Customer’s data such as Customer name, Customer e-mail ,Country, Gender, Age, Annual Salary, Credit Card Debt, Networth, the model should predict Car Puchased Amount
Course Information
Artificial Neural Network - Car sales Prediction - Objectives
Participants at the end of the project should be able to:
Download, Install and use Anaconda, Jupyter, TensorFlow, and Scikit-Learn
Participants should be able to do the following on Jupyter:
Import Library
Import Dataset
Visualize Dataset
Create testing and training dataset / Data cleaning
Training the model
Evaluate the model
Artificial Neural Network- Car Sales Prediction- Methodology
Instructor led hands on training with supervised labs / Projects /Online Sessions
Artificial Neural Network - Car Sales Predictions - Course Material
1. Introduction to linear algebra - by Gilbert Strang
2. Applied statistics and probability for engineers – by Douglas Montgomery
3. Mastering python for data science, Samir Madhavan
Python for Data Science - Resources
Anaconda, Jupyter, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn

Yao Agbley

Francis Korsah