- Seth Gyekye-Boateng |
- Rene Novor |
- Randy Moses |
- Hermas Wasaal |
- Francis Korsah |
- Edward Yeboah |
- Nii Aboni Tackie |

JavaScript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is lightweight and most commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow client-side script to interact with the user and make dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language with object-oriented capabilities.
It also equips students with knowledge in making web pages dynamic and interactive by implementing custom client-side scripts.
Course Information
By the end of this course, Students are equiped with much knowledge in making web pages dynamic and interactive by implementing custom client-side scripts.
Course Topics
The following topics are to be covered under this course
- Introduction
- Conditionals
- Functions
- Scope
- Arrays
- loops
- Iterators
- Objects
- Classes
- Browser Compatibility and Transpilation
- Modules
- Promises
- Async-Await
- Requests

Seth Gyekye-Boateng

Rene Novor

Randy Moses

Hermas Wasaal

Francis Korsah

Edward Yeboah

Nii Aboni Tackie